21 February 2009

Alright already

Thanks to some demanding notes by Anonymous (my guess is it's Mr. Kendall)... here are some new pictures:


We are now in an almost-sorta-semi-permanent-until-the-summer apartment now, so hurray! Looking for houses, and Debbie is looking for jobs ("Yes, hello, can you train me and pay me lots of money and then give me paid vacation in 5 months?... Hello?"). Have new Alaskan plates and Drivers' Licenses. No, we won't post pictures of them, because our underage friends (Brad & Vincent, maybe?) might try to profit off of them.

We went down to Homer, AK on Thursday for the night and visited a Meadery. Yes, that is an establishment that makes and sells mead. Tim J. & Brent would love it! Oh yes, and the illustrious Mr. Kendall. We visited the beach, although it is really difficult to sunbathe in the snow. Many eagles in a section of "The Spit" with signs that say: "Do not exit your vehicles. Do not attempt to feed the eagles." Finally saw Mount Redoubt on the drive back. I doubt Redoubt's gonna blow... it still looks like a frosty old mountain to me!

Ben felt the baby kick for the first time. Debbie felt the baby kick for the umpteenth time.

Take care! *The Stantons*


  1. Drat. You saw right through my plan.
    I was planning to pose as Debbie whereas Vincent was going to take Ben's name.
    We were going to have a grand old time.
    You guys ruin everything :P
    Glad you are enjoying life in the great north thus far and am ready to hear more baby progression/environment adaptation stories.
    Take care!

  2. By the looks of that phone, Skype might be a ways off. Photos great, but we can't find a link to the live stream from Pickle Hill so that we can keep up on local events.

    It occurred to us that those pictures look suspiciously like somewhere north of Wellman with a few pine trees thrown in to take us off your trail. We've pretty much decided that the whole thing is a sound stage somewhere near Rubio - probably the same place that NASA used when they faked the moon landings!!!

    We're on to you guys...

  3. Thanks for the update. Great pics. We had to look up to see what mead was, and Linda was surprised! How she missed that we don't know.
    Glad your being kicked around Debbie!! go baby go!
    your library friends

  4. Three levels, rule of thirds....=) We miss you! And you forgot about me...I would've taken the newest Stanton's ID whenever you were going post that!
